11th Hour Summer Internships
We fund summer internships for current and recently graduated Journalism School graduate students. Our summer 2024 interns are as follows:

Civil Eats
Nicole J. Caruth
Nicole J. Caruth is a Bay Area-born journalist and arts writer focused on health and healing. This summer, she's excited to intern at Civil Eats, where she plans to report on mental health, BIPOC-owned farms, and climate justice. Read the stories Nicole reported during her summer internship.

Julia Haney
Julia Haney is an audio and print journalist reporting on education, health, and climate in the Bay Area. During her summer internship with KALW, she plans to cover stories on climate change, local biodiversity, and the tension between development and conservation efforts. Julia will graduate from UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism in 2025. Listen to the stories Julia reported during her summer internship.

Holly McDede
Holly McDede is a reporter covering food security, food access, and agriculture in Richmond. She is thrilled to be part of the launch of Richmondside this summer and bring news to Richmond residents. She plans to highlight the stories behind the city’s food scene, and spotlight the workers and activists pushing to address food insecurity and fill in the gaps. Read the stories Holly reported during her summer internship.

Aisha Wallace-Palomares
Aisha is an audio reporter and producer from Southern California. She enjoys covering everything from urban ATV and dirtbike riders to Gen Z dating culture. At Reveal she will be researching food and water issues–how countries and companies are taking over resources belonging to other communities. Listen to the stories Aisha reported during her summer internship.