2023-2025 fellow
Michelle Zacarias
I’m an award-winning writer, storyteller and adjunct instructor at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Born and raised in Chicago, I currently reside in Long Beach, Los Angeles. I’m a queer, disabled Latina, who is passionate about covering marginalized communities and have previously written for Teen Vogue, CALÃ NEWS, New America, The Triibe, City Bureau, People’s World, and more. My work frequently addresses social inequities existing within the prison industrial complex and systems of state-sanctioned violence. In 2023, I graduated from the USC Gould School of Law with a master’s degree in Studies of Law and a Certification of Law, Social Justice and Diversity. I look forward to expanding my coverage of Los Angeles’ Black and Latine communities as a writer for Caló News and as a California Local News fellow for the Latino Media Collaborative.
Michelle is a staff reporter at Caló News, click here for latest articles.